Frequently Asked Questions About the Navajo Nation Hardship Assistance Programs

Recently, Navajo Nation President Jonathan Nez and Vice President Myron Lizer signed resolutions approved by the Navajo Nation Council that will provide hardship assistance to Navajo citizens to mitigate negative impacts from the COVID-19 pandemic.

In response to questions concerning the hardship assistance programs, the Navajo Nation prepared this frequently asked questions bulletin with answers:

1. If I previously received Hardship Assistance relief through the CARES Act, do I need to re-apply for the ARPA Hardship Assistance?

No, if you previously received Hardship Assistance, you do not have to re-apply. You are automatically eligible to receive the ARPA Hardship Assistance.

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2. If I did not apply for the previous CARES Act Hardship Assistance, can I apply for the ARPA Hardship Assistance?

Yes, and you will need to apply for the ARPA Hardship Assistance. The Office of the Controller will post the fillable ARPA Hardship application on their website at and ARPA website at www. on Monday, January 10, 2022.

The application period for the ARPA Hardship begins January 10, 2022 through December 30, 2022.

3. What if I live off the Navajo Nation, am I eligible for ARPA Hardship?

Yes, enrolled members with a Certificate of Indian Blood (CIB).

4. When will I receive the ARPA Hardship Assistance?

The Office of the Controller will issue the direct relief as soon as possible and a public announcement is forthcoming via social media, press release, radio, newspaper, etc.

5. If I am 60 years or older, will I receive two Hardship Assistance checks?

Yes, if you are age 60 or older and received CARES Act Hardship Assistance, you will receive a check for approximately $300 through the CARES Act, and you will receive $2,000 through the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA). Please remember that if you did not have an approved application and did not receive the first CARES Act Hardship Assistance, you must submit an application to receive the $2,000 ARPA Hardship Assistance.

6. What if I applied for the CARES Act Hardship Assistance and did not receive a check?

If you applied for CARES Act Hardship Assistance and did not receive a check, it is possible that your application was not approved or that the Office of the Controller issued a check for you, but there was a problem with mail delivery. Please contact the Office of the Controller to inquire about the status of your eligibility for the ARPA Hardship Assistance, or you may submit a new application beginning on January 10, 2022.

7. How do I apply for a newborn child that does not have a CIB yet?

All new applicants are required to submit a Certificate of Indian Blood (CIB) to comply with federal guidelines. You may apply for a CIB for a newborn child through the Navajo Nation Vital Records Office.

The Vital Records Office will also be going out to communities to provide assistance with CIB’s. A schedule is forthcoming.

8. How do I update my mailing address?

If you previously received CARES Act Hardship Assistance and your mailing address has since changed, a “Change of Address Form” is available at and – Please complete the form and submit it by e-mail to [email protected] or by mail to: Office of the Controller, PO Box 3150, Window Rock, AZ 86515. Or you may physically drop off the form at Administration.

9. Is there a Hardship Assistance website?

Yes, please visit and www. – More information will be posted as it becomes available.

10. Where can I get a Certificate of Indian Blood (CIB)?

Please contact or visit the Navajo Nation Vital Records Office, visit their website at https://www.novri.navajo- for more information and contact information.

11. If I was under 18 years of age and previously received the CARES Act Hardship Assistance and have since turned 18 years old, will I receive $600 or $2,000 for the ARPA Hardship Assistance?

Resolution CD-62-21 was signed into law on January 4, 2022. If you turned 18 years of age on or before January 4, 2022, you are eligible to receive $2,000.

12. Will there be technical assistants stationed throughout the Navajo Nation, or in urban areas (Phoenix, Albuquerque, Denver, Salt Lake City, Tucson, etc.) to assist with Hardship Assistance application process or questions?

Yes, the Office of the President and Vice President is working with the Office of the Controller to develop a schedule that will be announced soon.

13. Will the Office of the Controller be open for people to submit documents in-person?

Yes, you may submit documents in-person to the Office of the Controller. However, certain safety restrictions will apply due to COVID-19 restrictions. Due to the high volume of inquiries, we ask for your patience and understanding. The Office of the Controller is located at Administration Building 1 in Window Rock, Arizona.

14. Will OOC be contacting us via email, phone call, or mail regarding our applications?

If there are questions regarding your application or the status of Hardship Assistance, the Office of the Controller will contact you.

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