Your Guide to ARDMS® Certification and Renewal

Your Guide to ARDMS ® Certification, <a href=Renewal and SPI exam" width="700" height="411" />

  • Your Guide to ARDMS ® Certification, Renewal, and SPI exam Your Guide to ARDMS ® Certification, Renewal, and SPI examYour Guide to ARDMS ® Certification, Renewal, and SPI exam

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    At present, very few states require sonographers to be licensed. According to the Society of Diagnostic Medical Sonography (SDMS), only New Hampshire, New Mexico, North Dakota, and Oregon have mandatory licensing for sonographers. With the lack of legal requirement for licensure in most states, most employers look to a sonographer’s certifications for hiring qualified, knowledgeable individuals, and a certification from the American Registry for Diagnostic Medical Sonography ® (ARDMS ® ) can help you stand out as more committed, more knowledgeable, and more highly skilled than the competition (and may even earn you higher compensation!). In this article, we’ll break down everything you need to know about how to earn your ARDMS ® certification, including important information about the ARDMS ® SPI exam, and how to complete the ARDMS ® renewal process to maintain your credentials. Let’s get you started!

    Table of Contents