Decision Theories and Methodologies

This chapter introduces the extant decision theories. Whereas the literature segments the field into the Normative, Descriptive, and Prescriptive theories, we identify a fourth. That is the Declarative strand of decision-making. We discuss all four strands of research and praxis. We locate our prescriptive paradigm in the Prescriptive segment. We discuss the question of what is a good decision and a good process. We will close this question in Chap. 10 after we have had the opportunity to illustrate the use of the machinery of our prescriptive paradigm in the main body of the book.
Scientific knowledge, engineering science, and their best practices are cumulative. Every new idea and improvement is necessarily the result of standing on the shoulders of others. New knowledge, novel and useful practice are all part of evolving and connected strands of understanding, expertise and proficiency. The progression is cumulative and advancing to more insightful understanding and more effective practice. The trajectory is not necessarily a smooth one. There are many false starts and punctuated by what Kuhn (2012) calls paradigm shifts. We think of our approach as opening a new window in a magnificent structure and a modest punctuation. A new way to think about executive-management decisions. In this chapter, we show its multidisciplinary heritage rooted in mathematics, cognitive psychology, social science and the practice. We want to show its punctuated continuity with, and its debt to, the achievements of the past. Our debt, notwithstanding, we also draw contrasts between our engineering decision-design methods and other traditional methods.
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Comments on “The nature of theory in information systems”
Article Open access 08 December 2020
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Author information
Authors and Affiliations
- Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA Victor Tang
- Aalto University, Helsinki, Finland Kevin Otto
- Engineering Systems Division, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA Warren Seering
- Victor Tang