Family Law Section


The Family Law Section is the principal statewide organization of family law attorneys, and is one of the most active sections in the WSBA. The Section is devoted to improving the profession and practice of family law, to the benefit of its members and other family law professionals, the judiciary, and the general public.

Annual Report | Budget | Bylaws | Year in Review | Elections

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Page Navigation

The Family Law Section offers many resources and benefits for members. On this page you will find information about the section, upcoming events and offerings, as well as information about the section's executive committee.

Family Law Section Website

Upcoming Programs

Join Our List Serve

Executive Committee

Executive Committee Meetings

Launch of WSBA Family Law Section Website!

We are proud to announce the official launch of the new WSBA Family Law Section Website. It is designed to enhance communication and engagement within our family law community, and to serve as a valuable tool for staying informed.

We invite you to visit the website regularly at and explore all that it has to offer.

Key Features:

The new website is, and will be, a valuable resource for our section members.

Check out the Family Law Section Website now!

Upcoming Programs

Check back here for the latest programs and offerings from the Family Law Section.

Executive Committee

Chair: Tamara Garrison (2023-2024)

Chair-Elect: Dawn Sydney (2023-2024)

Immediate Past Chair: Elizabeth Helm (2023-2024)

Secretary: Kimberly Loges (2023-2024)

Treasurer: Shelley Brandt (2023-2024)

Legislative Liaison*: Patrick Rawnsley (2023-2024)

Section Liaison to the BOG*: Nancy Hawkins (2023-2024)

Young Lawyer Liaison*: Kiona Gallup (2023-2025)

Board of Governors Liaison*:
Kari Petrasek (2023-2024)
Sunitha Anjilvel (2023-2024)

At-Large Members:

Webmaster*: Alan Funk

Executive Committee Meetings

The WSBA Family Law Section Executive Committee generally conducts meetings via Zoom on the third Saturday of each month from 8 a.m. to noon. Please contact committee members and/or the section event calendar for specific details about their upcoming meeting dates.

Section members are welcome to attend. An opportunity for comments will be offered early in the meeting.

For more information, please see the section's Events Calendar.

Join Our List Serve

The section's list serve is administered by the Family Law Section. To join the list serve, please contact and forward proof of membership to the webmaster. For general section questions, please send your email address and bar number to