Alberta is leading the way nation-wide with a new Continuing Care Act. Passed in 2023, it will come into force when the accompanying regulations are finalized. Here’s where it’s headed.
Bill 11, the Continuing Care Act, is Canada’s first fully integrated legislative framework for all levels of continuing care.
The Act was passed in the Alberta legislature and given Royal Assent on May 31, 2022. It’s a comprehensive piece of legislation that consolidates multiple Acts that previously governed different types and levels of continuing care facilities. Most importantly, the Act streamlines and standardizes the degree of accountability and transparency across different streams of care such as long-term care, designated and non-designated supportive living, palliative and end-of-life care, and home and community care.
Bill 11 outlines key provisions of Alberta’s continuing care system, such as:
An important change through the new Act is the use of standardized terms across the continuing care system.
The Continuing Care Act will be proclaimed and come into force once the accompanying regulations are finalized, which is expected in 2024.
Learn how CHAA is advocating for continuing care regulatory change in Alberta.
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Quality of life means so much more than high quality care. But measuring quality of life can be a challenging task.
Government funding pays for medical and required nursing care provided in continuing care homes, and some personal care services. The resident pays for rent, food, utilities and other costs. Here’s the breakdown in Alberta.